Yesterday is awesome!
Went out to sea on yacht with my classmates~
From west coast ferry to till the end of Jurong island.
For those O level students who is still have no idea which course to go...
I welcome you to Maritime transportation management. :D
This course does not required you to sail or be a seafarer.
I know most peoples are more interested in Business course. E.g. banking.
But when economic meltdown, you are in deep shit. ( Similar to the situation now)
According to "The Business Times" 18 Nov 2008
Citigroup to slash a further 50000 jobs to cut expenses by 20%.
As a reputable bank with millions or billions of profits.
Things still turn out this way.
But for the shipping lines, it does not turn out that awful.
According to "The New Paper" 20 Nov 2008
"NOL" the world seventh largest container carrier.
NOL announced that some 1000 employees will be retrenched from the global shipping in the next few months, where by 50 out of 1000 is in Singapore.
LOOK! 1000 only! (even though is quite a number)
But citigroup fired 1000 X 50 = 50000 employees.
That why it's safer to be in a shipping industry.
As you know Singapore is a World class port.
This is what you experience;
You don't just study in class. You get to experience outdoor learning.
AND you don't sleep in class!
YOU sleep here:
You don't sit in class and enjoy the air-con,
You enjoy the breeze of the sea.
So fun isn't?
Let me show you the yacht that is worth 500K after depreciation and so on.
Haven't received the whole class photo on the yacht.
Shall update when I got it.
Last note for you...
I know you must have been wondering what the fuck am I thinking.
Why aren't I taking any actions to prove it to you.
Since things turn out to be this way,
Let me write it out to you.
Have you ever realized how many times I ask you to stop drinking yet you still persist.
I might not know whether you smoke or not.
But somehow, it is all those minor thing that hold me back.
You might say that I did the same things too.
But I am a man, or perhaps a selfish man.
Who want it my way.
I just simply can't condone the way a girl drink and hang out with smokers.
You wrote before, you wanted a boyfriend to be a smoker. ( which I don't fucking understand)
But Sorry, I will not even take a puff of cig.
Forever and Always.
by brandon lee